
Happy 2009!!! | 1:01 AM |
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Here's from us at Allure Gems, wishing everyone a great 2009 ahead!!!
Happy New Year!!!!!!
The Gems & Precious Stone | 2:51 AM |
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Semi-precious Stone
Until now, the nature already discovered mineral and mineral aggregation material nearly3000 kinds. About 230 kinds of them are part of gems and semi-precious stone categories. But the familiar gems and semi-precious stone only are about 30 kinds. Its chemical composition respectively contains the natural element, the oxide compound, hydroxide, silicate and phosphate and so on.
The common 30 kinds of gems and semi-precious stone are: diamond, ruby (corundum), sapphire (corundum), emerald, cat`s eye stone (chrysoberyl), aquamarine, opal, topaz, lapis lazuli, crystal, amethyst, tourmaline, garnet, Tanzania mulberry stone, rose quartz, moon stone, to force the sub- stone(opal), the Australian jade(chrysoprase), scarlet gem (spinel), turquoise, olivine, Peking jade (rhodonite), malachite, amethyst (fluorite), jadeite, Hetian jade, Xiuyan jade, Dushan jade, serpentine, Shoushan stone, Qingtian stone and chicken-blood colored stone.
About Us | 9:19 PM |
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About Us
Why are we the Allure Gems Collectors?
"Allure, the power to attract or entice; the quality causing attraction;" is what we believes in of bringing you fine quality Gems and Semi-precious Stone jewelries.
Inspired with our passion of gems collections, we hope that you will be adored with our collection which we share the sense of unique style with gems connoisseurs around the world.
At Allure Gems, our goal is to surpass the ordinary in all that we do. We want our customers to be completely satisfied with the quality of our jewelry and service. We diligently provide the best client services available. Our reward is loyal, satisfied clients with whom we can build a lasting relationship. We also strongly believe in supporting not only our community great causes nationwide.
The era of everlasting gems.
Birthstones | 9:06 PM |
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The idea that certain precious stones were associated with certain months goes back at least to the 1st century CE. Oddly enough, the idea of wearing one's birthstone - that is, wearing a piece of jewelry containing the gemstone associated with the month one was born in - appears to be much more recent. George Frederick Kunz, in The Curious Lore of Precious Stones, states that the custom began in Poland during the 18th century.
The wearing of one's birthstone is traditionally thought to be lucky. Thus, if one was born in the month of January, and one wears a garnet (one's "birth stone"), one should attract good fortune.
Astrological Gems | 7:56 PM |
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Astrological Stones,
Since the beginning of civilization, gemstones have always been thought to possess metaphysical powers. All the main ancient cultures, Vedic, Egyptian, Mayan, and Greek, had used these colorful and shiny pebbles for ritualistic, sacramental and healing purposes. The idea of using gemstones as solely item of adornment and wealth was a later development; yet, even this shift of perception, had originally an occult reason behind it.
Gems seems to have a special power, a transcendental quality that go beyond their colorful mirror, the thought of far away lands and mysterious places.
In ancient India, a number of Sanskrit texts on gems have been written.
Of a purely scientific, gemological knowledge are works like "Ratnapariksa" (literally 'Gemology'), and "Mani-Mala". More specifically, the "Graha-Gocara Jyautisha", the "Garuda Purana", the "Brhat Samhita", the "Agni Purana" are the texts dealing with planetary gemology.
As we already know, according to Vedic astrology, nine main gemstones are associated with nine planets.
Associated Gems:
with the sun is the RUBY,
with the moon is the PEARL,
with mars is the RED CORAL,
with mercury is the EMERALD,
with Jupiter is the YELLOW SAPPHIRE,
with Venus is the DIAMOND,
with Saturn is the BLUE SAPPHIRE,
with Rahu is the HESSONITE,
and with Ketu is the CAT’S EYE.
It is clearly stated in many passages of the different Vedic texts that "inward luster, transparency, illumination with rays, sparkle, free from impurities and good formation of the shape are the characteristics of good gems" (Agni Purana, 246.13-14).
"Gems are not good if they are sandy, cracked within, scratched, stained, if they are lusterless, rough, dull or mixed with mineral substances even though they may have all the characteristic features of their family" (Garuda Purana, 70.18).
"Since a jewel (gem) endowed with good characteristics ensure good luck, prosperity and success to kings, and one with bad ones, disaster and misfortune, connoisseurs ought to examine their fortune depending on jewels (gems)" (Brhat Samhita, 80.1-3).
"If anyone wears a gem of many flaws out of ignorance, then grief, anxiety, sickness, death, loss of wealth and other evils will torment him" (Garuda Purana, 70.19).
A special attention needs to be addressed to the always-included emeralds. References from the Sanskrit texts claim that emerald inclusions are accepted, as far as the inclusions are not detracting from the overall transparency and beauty of the gem.
"Experts in gems are inclined to say that the following types of emeralds are of good potency: Emerald that has dark green color or the color of a spring meadow, a soft glow, that is not highly complicated (referring to inclusions), hewn in different ways and appear to be stuffed with gold dust (still referring to very small inclusions); emerald that is endowed with qualities of shape, even shade all over, sufficient heaviness and shoots diffusion of light when sun's rays fall on it" (Garuda Purana, 71.12-15)
The use of alternative gemstones is practiced as well, especially for those gems which can be expensive over two carats sizes, such as diamonds and rubies. It is found, however that the alternative gem has a milder effect than the correspondent main gem. See in the table below the alternative gems, metals, and fingers used to wear rings related to the main gem and the correspondent planet.
Zircon | 6:04 PM |
Birthstone for: December
The alternate birthstone for December is the zircon. Its name is probably derived from the Arabic words "zar" and "gun", meaning "gold" and "color". The gemstone is found in a wide range of colors, and possess great brilliance, fire and clarity. Zircon, in its unchanged natural form appears colorless to pale yellow, or green. These colors are caused by minute quantities of thorium and uranium that replaces zircon in the crystal structure. But over the vast spans of geologic time, other forces work within the zirconium silicate crystals. The uranium and thorium inclusions emit radiation that alters the original crystal structure. A glass-like material is formed, with colors of red to brown, orange and yellow.
Turquoise | 5:53 PM |
December's primary birthstone. Turquoise is considered by some to be a symbol of good fortune and success, believed to bring prosperity to its wearer. It's name is believed to originate from the French phrase "pierre turquoise" meaning "Turkish stone" because turquoise was brought to Europe by Venetian merchants who first acquired it in Turkish bazaars. It is also considered by some as a love charm. When received as a gift, the turquoise symbolizes a pledge of affection. Shakespeare used this lore in "The Merchant of Venice". In it, Leah gave a turquoise ring to Shylock when he was a bachelor, hoping it would win his affections so he would ask her to marry him. In Russia, the turquoise is popularly used in wedding rings. In the language of chemists and geologists, turquoise is known as "copper aluminum phosphate". Turquoise is often found in weathered igneous rock that contains copper minerals, where it crystallizes in veins and nodules. The gemstone usually develops in rock near water tables, located in semiarid and arid environments. The chemicals in turquoise come from adjacent rock, leached out by rain and groundwater.
Turquoise is a relatively soft gemstone, and can be easily scratched and broken. This porous opaque stone is easily discolored by oil and pigments, and changes color when it loses some of its water content. A sky blue shade in turquoise is due to the presence of copper, while iron gives it a greener tone. Ochre and brown-black veins in the stone occur during the formation of turquoise, caused by inclusions from nearby rock fragments or from oxide staining. The most valued variety of turquoise is an intense sky blue color, like the color of a robin's egg. Hard, relatively non-porous compact stones have the best appearance because the stone can be finely polished. Enhancements - Pale and chalky varieties are sometimes impregnated with oil, paraffin, liquid plastic and glycerin to give it a good polish.
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